viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

Commission clears acquisition of joint control over London Luton Airport by AENA Internacional and AXA PE

European Commission - 10/10/2013
Press Releases

The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the acquisition of joint control over London Luton Airport Group Limited of the UK ("the target") by AENA Desarrollo Internacional, S.A. of Spain and AXA Investment Managers Private Equity, S.A. of France. AENA Internacional manages airports in Spain, while AXA PE is active in private equity investment. 
As the target operates the London Luton airport, the Commission assessed the effects of the proposed transaction on the markets for navigation services, airport infrastructure services as well as on the market for automatic handling material systems. The Commission concluded that the transaction would not raise competition concerns. Indeed the merged entity would not be able to shut out suppliers given its limited market shares, nor would it also be able to shut out customers because the target operates a single airport in the whole European Economic Area (EEA). The operation has been examined under the normal merger review procedure. More information is available on the
under the case number
 M.7008 .

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