sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Preparatory Action ‘Circulation of films in the digital era’.

European cinematographic Works
Call for Proposals EAC-S08-2013

Applications must propose to experiment with simultaneous or quasi-simultaneous releases on a wide range of distribution platforms (festivals, cinemas, DVD, Video on Demand services, television channels, etc.) and in a number of European territories. Being restricted to European films and to their distribution within European Union Member States, projects will need to cover a substantial number of films and territories. Applicants are expected to develop new business models (in terms of generating and distributing income from the various distribution platforms) which provide an incentive for the different players to open up for simultaneous or quasi-simultaneous releases.

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Supporting the enhancement and promotion of sustainable transnational thematic tourism products


The present call for proposals "Supporting the enhancement and promotion of sustainable transnational thematic tourism products ENT/CIP/13/B/N03S04", is published in the framework of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP), which specifically supports activities aiming at fostering entrepreneurship culture and creating better framework conditions for Small and Medium size Enterprises (SMEs) operating in EU. It also complies with the overall strategy of DG Enterprise and Industry (i.e. strengthening Europe’s industry, promoting innovation as means to generate jobs and meet societal needs, encouraging the creation and growth of small businesses and promoting an entrepreneurial culture), as well as with the main objectives as set out in the “Europe 2020” strategy.

domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

Support to Youth Workers' Mobility

Call for proposals EACEA/12/2013

The purpose of this call for proposals is to support youth workers’ mobility and exchanges with a view to promoting the acquisition of new skills and competences.

By promoting long-term transnational learning experiences for youth workers, this action will also aim at strengthening the capacities of the structures involved in the project, which will benefit from the experience and new perspective brought by a youth worker from a different background. In doing so, this call will enhance networking among youth structures in Europe and will contribute to the policy priority to support, recognise and professionalize youth work as a cross-cutting policy tool in Europe.

The call for proposals has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union C150/05 on the 29/05/2013 (OJ 2013/C 150/05 of 29/05/2013, p. 20).