jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Budgets Committee approves €840,000 in EU aid for redundant workers in Spain

The Budgets Committee approved on Thursday €840,000 in European Globalisation Adjustment Funding to help 300 workers who lost their jobs in the construction sector in Valencia get back on to the labour market. The decision still needs to be endorsed by Parliament as a whole and Council.

Some 140 enterprises in the region of Valencia face serious difficulties as the production of non-metallic mineral products (such as concrete, fibreglass insulation products and tiles) has declined significantly since 2008. This negative trend applies to the entire EU but production in Spain has declined more steeply.

Consequently, some 630 workers were made redundant in Valencia. Of these, roughly 300 are expected to take up the measures designed to help them back into work.

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