sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

Finalists selected to honour the best in EU Regional Policy

The RegioStars Awards Jury singled out 19 finalists from 80 projects supported by EU Regional Funds on the basis of four key criteria: innovation, impact, sustainability and partnership.

Commenting on the selection, European Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn said, "The 19 projects chosen by the jury show Regional Policy in action. They highlight the excellent work being done on the ground and demonstrate the kind of inventive and dynamic approach from regions around Europe to using our funds with the aim of triggering growth and creating jobs. This is what the EU2020 Growth Agenda is really about: finding new solutions to address our common challenges like youth unemployment, pollution and climate change, the quality of life in our cities and a lack of opportunity for small businesses to grow and flourish. I am deeply impressed by the quality of the finalists this year. They are a source of inspiration to others across Europe. After all it is the projects themselves on which the success of Regional Policy and its investments for economic development ultimately depends."

The finalists come from regions and cities in 17 Member States: Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

They will be showcasing their projects before the awards jury, chaired by former Committee of the Regions President Luc Van den Brande, on October 8 during the 11th annual European Week of Regions and Cities – OPEN DAYS 2013. The winners will be chosen at the Award Ceremony presented by Commissioner Hahn in Brussels on March 31 2014.

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