lunes, 5 de agosto de 2013


Call for proposals MARE/2013/09
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

The purpose of this Action is to promote a better balance between the EU fishing fleet and the available fisheries resources and to contribute to the reduction of the EU fishing fleet while at the same time preserving jobs in coastal communities. The Action should examine and demonstrate the feasibility and economic viability of maritime activities other than fishing, using a re-assigned fishing vessel, which are carried out by fishermen and captains who have left fishing, thus making the best use of their knowledge, experience and expertise.

The Action should also serve to promote such re-assignment of fishing vessels and the professional re-orientation of fishermen for activities and services which should contribute to the sustainable management and use of marine and maritime resources. The EU support through this Preparatory Action may take the form of co-financing of the vessels' operational costs and crew costs during the first year of operations outside fishing.
Furthermore, this Preparatory Action aims to promote the objectives of an Integrated Maritime Policy and of the Blue Growth strategy.

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