miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

Sound and Music Computing - INESC PORTO, PORTUGAL

Job posted by INESC PORTO, PORTUGAL is accepting applications to award 1 Postdoctoral grant- Sound and Music Computing

NESC PORTO is accepting applications to award 1 Postdoctoral grant(s) Project: MAT - Media Arts and Technology (NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000061)

Project overview: The postdoctoral researcher will collaborate in all tasks of the MAT project, involving: - Computational description and generation: Development of algorithms for both description and generation of musical data. - Tangible interfaces: Development of tangible interfaces for music creation and access. - Recommendation: Development of recommendation engines for both music data and users. - Scientific management of the project team

Objectives: - Working algorithms in either of the tasks above - Successful collaboration in the management of the project - Publications in relevant journals and conferences.

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